Do's And Don'ts Of Tire Repair
No one looks forward to taking their vehicle to a service shop for repair. But when the need arises, knowing what to expect from the service shop is crucial.
In the case of tire problems, certain things are acceptable, while others are not if you are considering a repair job. Not all tire issues are equal or have the same solution.
So, what qualifies as a good tire repair? Learn more in this comprehensive guide.
Only Repair Punctures Within the Tread Area
Before hiring a tire repair technician, look at the puncture's position. A repair is only necessary if the puncture lies within the tread area.
The tread area is the part of a tire that touches the road when a vehicle is in transit. Treads help balance wear, resistance, and traction. Repairing a puncture in the tread area will have a minimal effect on the tire's performance.
If you have a tear, hole, or leak on the sidewall repaired, the tire becomes unstable. Since the sidewall is thin, it has little material to hold a patch.
Don't Get a Badly Damaged Tire Repaired
Never consider repairing a badly damaged tire. Your mechanic can help you determine if the tire is defective. Instead, get a replacement as recommended by your auto mechanic.
A badly damaged tire will have thinner treads and chunks of the tread missing. It may also have a bump, bubble, or bulge on the sidewall. Even if these issues seem mild, they are a cause of concern.
Only have the tire fixed if the size of the puncture is reasonably small in diameter. Bigger ones aren't safe for repair.
A Patch and Plug Assembly is Ideal for Tire Repair
A tire repair stem or plug consists of rubber material. Auto mechanics use it to plug holes in a tire. Towards its end lies a tire patch (a circular rubber disk that seals off the tire's inner liner).
Only accept a repair service that uses a plug to fix a puncture. The technician should use a patch and plug assembly to carry out the job.
Don't Overlap Repairs
You can only have a repaired tire mended again if the damage doesn't affect the recently patched area. Overlapping the repair with a recent tire problem will significantly weaken the entire tire.
Even if it seems like a cheaper alternative to getting a replacement, the problem will persist in the future. Instead of doing this, you should get a replacement.
To learn more about tire repairs, contact an auto service in your area.