Old Car Giving You Allergies? Clean Your Fuel System to Get Rid of Them

A number of people experience allergy problems when they drive new cars. The new car smell contains various chemicals that irritate the lungs, nasal passages and other respiratory tissues. But if you own an older car and experience allergy symptoms every time you drive it, you need to take action now. Your car could have problems with the fuel injection system that can make you ill. Get rid of your allergies and keep them away by cleaning your fuel system. [Read More]

6 Tips For Taking Your Dog With You On An RV Trip

If you just purchased an RV you saw on a site like http://www.orangewoodrv.com/ and are new to RVing, you're undoubtedly  looking forward to hitting the open road and experiencing the RV lifestyle. If you have a furry friend you'll be taking along as a traveling companion, however, there are several things that you need to know about traveling in an RV with a dog. Following are six of them. Have Current Photos of Your Pet [Read More]

3 Details You Should Know To Have A Better Collision Repair Experience

More than6 million vehicle accidents happen in the US each year. When you have a vehicle collision and deal with the repairs, insurance, and any personal injuries, it can be a stressful event. It is important to make sure your vehicle gets the repairs it needs, but you should also be alert to any problems that might arise during the process. Here are three details you need to be aware of before, during, and after your vehicle goes in for a collision repair. [Read More]

4 Ways To Help Your BMW Surpass 400,000 Incredibly Fun-Filled Miles

With the right amount of maintenance and prompt repairs, vehicles can traverse hundreds of thousands of miles without a problem. In fact, one record-breaking vehicle has traveled almost three million miles throughout its nearly 50-year lifespan. When you think about a high mileage vehicle, however, you likely don't envision a luxury car fitted with the latest amenities. You might conjure up an image of the utilitarian econobox instead. Therefore, you might be surprised to learn that luxury vehicles, like BMW, can run for almost a half million miles with the right care. [Read More]